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Using Anki for Vocabulary Learning: Creating Flashcards

Published on: May 7, 2024

A person in front of a PC using Anki.


Tools play an important role in language learning. A good tool can increase your language learning efficiency significantly. Anki is such a tool that is used by millions of people and has proven to be highly useful for many. It is a popular spaced repetition software for flashcards learning and operates on several key principles:

  1. 1. Spaced Repetition

    Anki utilizes spaced repetition to enhance memory retention. It schedules review sessions based on the forgetting curve, presenting information for review just before it slips from memory. This reinforces memory more effectively than intensive cramming.

  2. 2. Active Recall

    Anki emphasizes active recall where users actively retrieve information from memory rather than passively reviewing it. This principle is based on research showing that actively recalling information strengthens memory more effectively than simply re-reading it.

  3. 3. Incremental Learning

    Anki supports incremental learning by breaking down large amounts of information into manageable, bite-sized pieces. Users can create flashcards for specific concepts or facts, gradually building their knowledge over time.

Watch Our Video Tutorials

To see exactly how to use our vocabulary flashcard generators, check out our video tutorials. This videos will guide you through each step, showing you how to get the most out of our tools.

How to Generate Flashcards for a Topic (Video 3/3)